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Business / Real Estate

Real estate Aruba helps you find the perfect home and more

Buying or renting a house, apartment, a piece of land or an office space is all possible in Aruba. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to find it. There are currently plenty of spaces or houses available in Aruba that you can buy or temporarily rent. You can choose to search yourself via the internet, but the easiest way is to hire real estate Aruba, for example. This company is a real estate agency that helps you find a suitable home, property or land. How exactly does this work? Read that below or go to the Aruba Palm Realtors website. 

I am looking for a house to buy. What should I do?

It is of course important that you know what kind of home you are looking for and what you would like to see in a home. For example, how big can your house be? Do you think it is important that there is a garden or a swimming pool? How many bedrooms do you want and how many bathrooms? When you have all this in order, you can call on Aruba Palm Realtors to look for a home that suits your taste. Until they have found a home or several, they will show you the houses and you can choose to view a few. 

Can I buy a house in Aruba as a US citizen?

Anyone can buy or rent a house in Aruba. You can buy a piece of land and build your own house on it. Anyone who buys a house in Aruba is treated in the same way as an Aruban resident. You can already buy a house in Aruba for at least $ 200,000 and that can go up to 5 million. There are plenty of opportunities in Aruba and of course many beautiful locations to buy a house and to live.