The more attention your website gets, the more traffic, the more customers, thus more sales and that you can achieve with the right content through content marketing. Content marketing is the component (probably most importantly) to within internet marketing, responsible for everything related to the content of your website. And without content marketing no content for the items you need to use in article marketing to promote your website. For content marketing are some disciplines of interest, copywriting, design and creativity. In addition, knowledge of the subject must be present. Content marketing is to search engines ensure relevant content, appreciate only sites where the content is (very) relevant, the same applies to the support sites from article marketing. Content marketing textsAs described above, the content should be (very) relevant in content marketing. This starts with the lyrics. For example, a website that deals with internet marketing should contain text that is entirely dedicated to internet marketing, or directly related matters. The text must be written in good Dutch and engaging and actually applies here the phenomenon, the longer the better. A minimum of 500 words for a website (but preferably 2000) is the least and for supporting websites from article marketing are about 400 words, the number of which at least must comply. It is also important that the primary keyword (or search term), say in this case “internet marketing”, should be about 4 percent. In other words, in a text of 1,000 words, must be “Internet marketing” are mentioned about 40 times. Incidentally, one should from article marketing to promote your website from supporting sites, this primary keyword (or search term) use up to 10% of the total number of articles and anchor text. Dee remaining 90% must be divided over phrases and possible “hard” URLs. Content marketing and designRelevance is the key in content marketing, so a website about Internet marketing should look modern and the images and / or videos must have a clear relationship with internet marketing (or any part thereof, eg. Content marketing). A classic site with images of ancient castles is not appreciated. The naming of the images and / or videos is also important. It should also be able to be put back to a clear relationship, in this example, the Internet marketing. If your observe these things with your content marketing and also always ensures that your content is unique ( “duplicate content” is punished by search engines), your content marketing will contribute to the success for which you have set up your website and ensure for more sales. | |